Gianni De Fabritiis

Impact of AI and physics-based drug discovery at Acellera

Icrea/UPF and Acellera

CEO/CSO of Acellera and ICREA research professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra where I lead the Computational Science Laboratory. I hold a bachelor degree with honors in applied mathematics (1997) from the Univ. of Bologna and a PhD from Univ. of London (2002). In 2008 I won the tenure-track Ramon y Cajal research position and later the national I3-tenured program. In 2014 I became a research professor by winning the ICREA research tenured position. I have performed research stays as visiting professor at Stanford University and UCLA.My research interests are rooted in the applications of computation to science, in particular for simulation and intelligence seen as a form of computation. I have published over a hundred and twenty articles in high-ranking international journals.In 2006, I co-founded Acellera Ltd and in 2012 Acellera Labs SL its R&D division. Acellera’s mission is to enable computable drug discovery, developing the algorithms to automate drug discovery via high-throughput computations and machine learning methods. The company pioneered the use of graphical processing units in molecular simulations and drug discovery.